- Understanding of Deep Learning and Machine Intelligence
(딥러닝과 기계학습에 대한 이해)
- Practical Use of Deep Learning Tools
(딥러닝 기술의 실제적 사용)
- Application of Deep Learning Technologies
(딥러닝 기술의 적용)
- Those who are disappointed with difficult deep learning lectures
(어려운 딥러닝 강의에 실망하신 분)
- Researchers or graduate-students who are interested in deep learning
(딥러닝에 관심 있는 연구자 및 대학원생)
- Professors who want to use deep learning material for their lectures and researches
(딥러닝을 강의와 연구에 사용하려는 교수)
- Company researchers who want to apply deep learning technology to their products
(딥러닝 기술을 제품개발 및 연구에 응용하려는 기업 연구원)
- Date: April 28(Friday). 2017
- Time: 09:00 ~ 17:00
#5214, Industry-Academy Cooperation Bldg. Dongseo University, Busan, Korea
(부산광역시 사상구 동서대학교 산학협력관 5214호)
- If you have any question for the seminar, please contact Program Chair professor Sehyun Park
([email protected]).
- Phone : +82 53 850 6637
International Association for Convergence Science & Technology(IACST),
Dongseo University(BK21+)